Transcendental Teachings of Narada Muni- (English)

Generally , Sri Narada Muni is wrongly portrayed in epic serials. He is therefore misunderstood. People do not realize his sspirtiually elevated position and the relevance of his instructions to their own lives in this age of quarrel and hypocrisy, Kali-yuga.

This new anthology, extracted from Srimad Bhagavatam and Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, contains Narada Muni’s teachings to his most famous disciples: Srila Vyasadeva , Dhruva Maharaja, Prahalada Maharaja , King Citraketu , the sons of Prajapati Daksa and Mrgari the hunter



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  Whether one does good work or bad work one is sure to return to this material planet . As soon as one is exhausted of his pious deed and bad work the reaction such as prosperity and distress is exhibited are also gone. Our highest goal as to how to realize an immortal happiness in an unconditional state is the question being answered in literature like Srimad Bhagavatam.
One’s natural  state is to remain eternally blissful and happy . This is the age of quarrel , kalah and so to achieve this benediction of liberation from the bondage of Karma is only possible when we engage the fruits of our labor to serve the lord and thus achieve eternal bliss and knowledge . 
Living entity is naturally apt to hear stories and histories of a person who performs a great act . But listening about Material activities are not of any benefit as they do not assure us to liberate us from the law of material nature. Every action has a resultant reaction and performers are bound up by such reactions whether good  or bad . Often when the questions come to get free from the clutches of Maya one inquires:  Do I need to leave everything that I am doing ? Do I need to abandon my work and family ? This book answers all such doubts and guides one to dovetail his fruits of action in a spiritual path which would surely bring perfection . Devotional service is like a flow of river to the sea and thus listening to it from a right source , a pure devotee of lord guarantees the success of such path .  Because the lord is seen by the devotees whose eyes are aintoned with the pulp of love.
To love and to be loved is the natural tendency of the soul. But due to the living entity’s association with material nature this tendency is covered. Thus this book will certainly reveal the process and path of perfection.
Generally Sri Narad Muni , is wrongly portrayed in epic serials. He is therefore misunderstood , people do not understand his highly elevated position and the relevance of his instruction in their own lives in this age of quarrel and hypocrisy , this book shall also reveal the real position of Narad , rather than a mundane depiction of the modern televisions. One can then understand , a exalted position of Nrad whose disciples are Dhruv Maharaj , Prahlada Maharaja, Mrigari , Srila Vyasadeva etc.


Additional information

Weight 0.107 kg
Dimensions 18 × 12 × 0.5 cm


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